Black Rock Llamas

Attraction | Porthmadog | Wales | Royaume Uni

Les Lamas de Black Rock - Une expérience unique avec les animaux à Porthmadog

Les Lamas de Black Rock, situés à Porthmadog, au Pays de Galles, sont une attraction exceptionnelle pour les amoureux des animaux et de la nature. Ce centre d'expériences offre aux visiteurs la possibilité de rencontrer de près des lamas et des alpagas, de les nourrir, de les guider et de participer à des randonnées guidées. Entouré par le paysage impressionnant de l'Eryri et de la côte du Nord du Pays de Galles, Black Rock Llamas est une destination idéale pour les familles, les amoureux des animaux et tous ceux qui recherchent une expérience naturelle unique.

L'histoire des Lamas de Black Rock
Les Lamas et Alpagas de Black Rock ont été fondés dans le but de permettre aux gens de rencontrer ces animaux fascinants de près. Originaires d'Amérique du Sud, les lamas et les alpagas sont devenus populaires en Europe en raison de leur nature calme et de leur laine résistante.

Grâce à une gestion durable et des soins aimants, Black Rock Llamas est devenu un lieu apprécié pour interagir avec ces animaux doux. L'établissement s'engage non seulement pour le bien-être des animaux, mais aussi pour transmettre aux visiteurs des connaissances précieuses sur leur origine, leur comportement et leur importance pour l'environnement.

L'expérience des Lamas et Alpagas
Une visite aux Lamas de Black Rock est bien plus qu'une simple rencontre avec des animaux. Ici, les invités peuvent interagir activement avec les animaux et ressentir la tranquillité et la gentillesse spéciales des lamas et des alpagas.

# 1. Randonnées avec les Lamas et Alpagas
- Un moment fort est la randonnée guidée avec les animaux. Les visiteurs peuvent se promener en petits groupes avec leur propre lama ou alpaga à travers la magnifique nature du Nord du Pays de Galles.
- Ces randonnées sont une activité relaxante et amusante car les animaux sont connus pour leur curiosité et leur nature parfois espiègle.
- Pendant les promenades, il y a de nombreuses occasions de caresser les animaux, de les nourrir et d'observer leur comportement unique.

# 2. Expériences interactives avec les animaux
- Les visiteurs apprennent à guider et soigner correctement les lamas et alpagas.
- Il y a une introduction aux différences entre les lamas et les alpagas, y compris leur comportement, leur laine et leur utilisation dans différentes cultures.
- Les invités ont la possibilité de passer du temps à interagir avec les animaux dans un environnement détendu.

# 3. Parfait pour les familles et les groupes
- Les Lamas de Black Rock sont particulièrement appréciés des familles car les enfants peuvent rencontrer les doux animaux sans crainte.
- Pour les groupes, les anniversaires ou les sorties d'entreprise, le centre propose des expériences sur mesure mettant en avant la nature, le plaisir et la détente.


Les Lamas et Alpagas - Compagnons amicaux avec du caractère
Les lamas et les alpagas sont des animaux sociaux, doux et intelligents souvent sous-estimés.

- Les lamas sont plus grands que les alpagas et ont été historiquement utilisés comme animaux de charge. Ils sont curieux mais aussi calmes et amicaux envers les humains.
- Les alpagas sont plus petits et ont une laine plus douce, connue pour sa qualité exceptionnelle. Ils sont souvent un peu plus timides que les lamas, mais tout aussi affectueux.
- Les deux animaux sont connus pour leur capacité à se lier avec les humains, ce qui en fait des compagnons idéaux pour des activités avec les animaux.

De nombreux visiteurs rapportent se sentir plus détendus et heureux grâce à la présence douce et calme des animaux. L'interaction avec les lamas et les alpagas a un impact positif sur le bien-être et est souvent décrite comme une expérience thérapeutique.

L'environnement - Expérience naturelle au Nord du Pays de Galles
Les Lamas de Black Rock sont situés dans l'une des plus belles régions du Pays de Galles, entourés de paysages spectaculaires.

- Eryri : La proximité du parc national offre des vues impressionnantes sur les montagnes, les vallées et les forêts. Les randonnées avec les lamas se déroulent dans un environnement naturel qui inspire calme et détente.
- Paysage côtier : La proximité de la côte du Nord du Pays de Galles offre de belles vues sur la mer et les plages environnantes.
- Plage de Black Rock Sands : La célèbre plage de sable de Black Rock Sands n'est pas loin et offre une autre opportunité d'apprécier la nature.

La localisation des Lamas de Black Rock en fait un endroit parfait pour combiner expériences naturelles et avec les animaux.

Conservation et durabilité
Le centre s'engage pour une gestion animale respectueuse et des pratiques durables.

- Gestion animale respectueuse : Les lamas et alpagas vivent dans de vastes pâturages leur offrant beaucoup d'espace pour se déplacer.
- Pratiques touristiques durables : Les visiteurs sont encouragés à traiter la nature avec respect et des pratiques respectueuses de l'environnement sont encouragées.
- Offres éducatives : À travers des ateliers et du matériel d'information, les visiteurs en apprennent plus sur la protection des animaux de ferme et l'agriculture durable.

Pourquoi visiter les Lamas de Black Rock ?
1. Une expérience unique et interactive - La possibilité de faire une randonnée avec des lamas et des alpagas est une expérience spéciale et rare.
2. Parfait pour les familles, les groupes et les amoureux des animaux - Les enfants et les adultes peuvent interagir avec les animaux dans un environnement détendu.
3. Cadre naturel magnifique - Les randonnées se déroulent dans l'une des plus belles régions du Nord du Pays de Galles.
4. Durable et éducatif - Les visiteurs en apprennent beaucoup sur les lamas, les alpagas et l'agriculture durable.
5. Un endroit pour se détendre et se sentir bien - La présence douce des animaux crée une expérience apaisante et agréable.

Les Lamas de Black Rock sont une destination spéciale à Porthmadog, offrant une rare opportunité d'interagir avec des lamas et des alpagas dans un environnement naturel époustouflant. La combinaison d'expériences avec les animaux, d'éducation et d'aventure en plein air en fait un endroit idéal pour les familles, les amoureux de la nature et tous ceux qui recherchent une expérience détendue et exceptionnelle.

La présence douce des animaux, les sentiers de randonnée pittoresques et la possibilité d'en apprendre davantage sur l'agriculture durable font des Lamas de Black Rock une expérience inoubliable pour les visiteurs de tous âges.




Tyn Y Dref
Morfa Bychan
LL49 9UT Porthmadog

Vue de carte


95 Avis

Holly Crichlow

Had an absolutely lovely trek with black rock llamas - Dexter and Harley to be precise! Dexter is apparently the leader of the herd, and their agility trained llama and Harley, a young but well behaved and sweet 3 year old. Sophie, the instructor, was incredibly cheerful, friendly and welcoming, and went through everything clearly. She accompanied us on our trek, let us stop for photos, and chatted with us wonderfully, answering all our questions and queries, and about our holiday in general. The agility course was great fun, she let us have multiple turns and took great photos and videos for us. All in all, a great day out and great customer service!
Sian Pearson

I booked on this experience fairly last minute as the weather wasn't great but it has been my favourite thing to do. Sophie was friendly, knowledgeable and helpful, she answered all our questions and made it really fun. You are met at the front gate by her and drive to the parking area then walk in to where the llamas are waiting. In our group there was a family of 4, a family of 3 and myself, and we had 5 llamas to walk between us. Sophie taught us about the llamas and how to walk them and look after them. You can stroke their necks which are really soft and they have beautiful eyes! Children under the age of 7 aren't meant to be there but there was a 7 year old on our trek and he did really well. The llamas have head harnesses and leads and you can guide them fairly easily. My llama was called Boris and he just seemed to want to stop and eat every few steps but he was friendly and so soft. The outside of the centre is beautiful and you trek through the woodland as a group. Once you return to the centre after about 40 minutes walking you get to feed your llama from your hands and then have a go at llama agility! I can't recommend this experience enough, something very different from the norm and even if you're alone it's fun. Wear decent shoes if you're trekking as the path is uneven and steep at various points and it is quite windy up there. There's a shelter where we stood for a while but I didn't see any toilets so best to go before you arrive. The postcode takes you to the entrance to the site which is well signed.
Gillian Raistrick

Had a lovey time walking and interacting with the llamas. Beautiful, gentle, friendly animals which were clearly very well cared for and loved.
mary jones

Great experience what more can be said

We had such a great visit and stroll with the llamas. We had a trek with Boris who was fun and feisty and a cuddle with big softy Dexter. All of the llamas are well loved and very well looked after. Luckily the weather was kind to us and the llama agility was hilarious. 😃thank you for such a fun time and we have great photos too.
Sian Roberts

Brilliant walk with the Llamas. I hope the lady will forgive me but I cant remember her name. However she is very knowledgeable and its clear that the animals love her. Great day out!
Matthew Wheeler

A lovely experience, the whole family enjoyed it. Llamas are amazingly gentle and seem to really enjoy human contact. I would recommend this to anyone who loves animals.
Charlotte Tinsley

I had THE best time here! It was so knowledgable. Sophie was so kind, funny and personable and you can really see they have a passion for llamas here. I’ll definitely be coming back!
Lynne Fisher

Visited Blackrock Llamas on 13/06/2024 and what an experience. We learnt all about the history of the llamas, their habitat and a whole lot more. Sophie who looks after the llamas (20 of them) is inspirational. Sophie walked in the trek while we walked Panda, a 4 year old baby, a gorgeous smaller llama. The trek took about 40 minutes, then it was back to base, where we fed Panda. Dexter who is the leader of the llamas, provided us with loads of fun. 1 by 1 we took him over an agility course. Such a great time and value for money. Will visit again 🥰🥰
Dennis Dennis

I went with my wife and two grandchildren, aged 8 and 10. We all had an excellent trip made all the better by Sophie, a friendly, knowledgeable and enthusiastic guide. The only reason I haven't given five stars is because of the lack of any toilet facilities. Not even a porta loo. Come on owners , get this sorted. You're letting Sophie down.
Andrea Wingrove-Malpass

Visited in March with my family and had a fantastic time! We found all the llama information really interesting. The trek was great despite poor weather. We walked Dexter and Panda, who were really well behaved and are just amazing. I even had kisses from Panda. I would recommend this experience, and would love to do it again!
Julie Moores

Lovely calming experience.
Cassandra Di Mascio

My bridal party surprised me with a trip to Black Rock Llamas as part of my hen do, and the entire experience start to finish was fantastic. Thank you for being so friendly, informative and thoughtful. You both made it such a memorable, special day!
Alan Sutch

Fantastic experience, would thoroughly recommend. Sophie was a wonderful guide, knowledgeable and really friendly. A nice slow walk with the llamas, and lots of photos opportunities.
Graham Cawte

Great way to spend time with these animals close up.

Great experience getting so close to llamas! You’ll want one after this! Sophie , our guide was brilliant! She was very informative, enthusiastic and answered all our questions with such patience - there were a lot of them ! Highly recommend! Thank you Sophie !
Beth Holmes

We had the best time here. Sophie was an incredible guide. I would recommend to anyone, worth every single penny! My children (11 and 12) loved it too. The Llama's are so well behaved and such a beautiful animal, we learnt so much about them and we now have a new favourite animal! We did Zipworld on the same day and the whole family thought this was the better activity!
Jetsetter davis

Llamas are fun but word of warning they really don't have any facilities no toilets at all so go before the experience. You sit in a field on a bench

My fiancé and I visited this site last week. The host we had (sorry I cant remember her name!) was so lovely and really informative of the llamas. We done a walk with Antonio the llama and it was amazing! The walk is not that long but some parts are a bit rough so be careful! After the walk we done some agility with Casper the llama which I had no idea about so it was a lovely touch! At the end you can get photos with them all and they all are just so gorgeous. I would 100% recommend this place to anybody.
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loved it!! first time seeing llamas and it couldn't have been better, such a treat - thanks Sophie!!
Joy Rau

We had a beautiful morning trek with our llamas Dexter and Antonio. The whole family loved the experience.
angus weir

Brilliant experience. Excellent staff who were informative and very gentle. Gave us good instructions on how to handle the llamas and in the llamas were nice and friendly and well trained to o
Katie E

We went to black rock llamas on 15th June, it was the best experience we’ve ever done. I am so sorry i can’t remember the trek leader but she was so lovely, so nice kind and patient with us and the llamas! So knowledgeable i learnt so much about these beautiful and wonderful creatures. We trekked with Antonio and he was so funny, grunted the whole time and such a character, really made my day and i’ll always remember him. If you are apprehensive or not sure if this is for you, it is 100% worth it, well worth the money and I will always recommend you to anyone visiting wales!
Aliza Naqvi

Absolutely enjoyed this one of a kind experience. A great activity if you’re on holiday. Our guide was super kind and helpful and really good at her job. The price was worth it as well- it includes the trek, feeding the llamas and an agility course with a 2x guiness world record champion Llama. Would highly recommend
bill green

We went last week and enjoyed walking the lama's , it's a beautiful setting and Sophie was very knowledgeable on all aspects of the lamas,We got to walk them then do a little jump with them and feed them,A fantastic way to spend a couple of hours.
Mike Phillips

Great fun taking the Llamas on a short trek and then running the Llama agility course.
Laura J

Amazing experience. Our group was led by Lauren. We phoned an hour before as we were expecting to be 10 minutes late (got there 5 minutes late in the end) and they were very friendly and said just get there as fast as we could. The trek itself was good, only a short walk with some uphill/rock parts. Most people should be able to manage the walk. You are holding onto the llama the whole time so best not to do this if you need a walking stick or other walking aid. We then got to feed the llamas before doing agility exercises. Lots of photo opportunities, and plenty of time to bond with the llama. We were very lucky and got Panda, the youngest of the four who was very cute. Training was simple and easy to remember. So much fun and would love to do again if we ever got the chance. 100% recommend if visiting the local area.
Rachel Roberts

Had a brilliant experience on the llama trek! There were plenty of opportunities for photos, we got to feed them and do some agility too. The guide, I think her name was Laura, was incredibly friendly and helpful, and the walk was lovely and picturesque. A sat nav or maps won’t take you right to the place! Once you get into Porthmadog town, if you turn up the road between the post office and factory shop you’ll need to carry on straight up that road for a short while. You’ll go up one hill, come back down again slightly, and once you reach the second hilly part of the road, you’ll see some wooden gates and the llamas roaming on your right hand side. Would thoroughly recommend for animal lovers.
Christopher Power

Great experience. The grandkids loved it!
gemma Harmer

This is an awesome place/family friendly activity. The man who runs it is so knowledgeable and passionate about his Lama's. The animals well looked after. This was the best thing we did on our holiday

Great family fun, beautiful scenery and the llamas were full of character. We all loved it- also v interesting! The only downside is we now want pet llamas!
Carol Davis

Visited here July 28 2022 with my 8 year old nephew,. What an amazing experience, so lovely to hear about the llamas from the leader,. He took time , there was no rushing round waiting for the next party, so relaxed. We trekked with Casper, Guinness works record holder no less😁. My nephew thoroughly enjoyed it too. 🤗 Wonderful couple of hours including the trek itself, photos which the leader very kindly took each member's phones to take their pictures with the llamas, then trek back to feed them, then Casper showed his talents on the assault course before another set of photos if you wanted to. Amazing afternoon. Thank you xx
Denise Salmond

Excellent afternoon learning about the llamas and then taking them on a trek. Derek was very informative and an excellent host. Definitely recommend.

An excellent experience. Staff were lovely and knowledgeable and the llamas were great too. Very chilled out and fun to walk. The walk was just long enough and was followed by photo ops, a chance to feed the llamas and even some llama agility! The nearby town of Portmadog has great shops and Welsh history. If you're in the area you owe it to yourself to give this a try and have a unique experience 😁👍

Lots of family fun, walking with the llamas. We had a great time, it was very interesting, we learnt a lot and it was different. the llamas were lovely!
Lisa Snead

Great little trek with the llamas then got to do the show jumps with them. Amazing experience!

Great for all the family


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